Saturday 8 March 2014



The bank you're looking at is one that I re-acquired around 17 years ago to replace one I'd had as a child.  What makes it more significant to me is that I bought it from a pal who lived a couple of rows behind the row of houses I lived in when I first had my own bank.  Just think - as my bank sat on my windowsill in my room, his sat on his windowsill in his room - with only a row of houses between them in the same street.

I always find it strange how familiar re-acquired replacements of things I haven't owned for a long time seem as if I had the originals only yesterday, instead of the several decades it sometimes actually is.  As I've said before, it's almost as if I put them in a cupboard the day before, and then opened the cupboard door the next day, to find them waiting where I'd put them.  It just doesn't seem possible that it's sometimes been 30 or 40 years since I last laid eyes or hands on them.

If you had this type of bank when you were a sproglet, you'll surely enjoy seeing it again.  And, even if you didn't have it, either way, it'll give you an idea which collectable to look out for the next time you're at a toy or memorabilia fayre.  No, don't thank me - I'm all heart.  (And you can take that to the bank.) 


  1. Didn't have one myself, BUT my grandparents had one so I enjoyed seeing it equally so! :)

  2. Ah, a youngster, eh? It was another century ago when I was young.

  3. Kid, is this a piggy bank that you save coins in? I had a large bronze-coloured plastic pig to save coins in. You are right about things from so long ago seeming like yesterday and it is strange but there's a theory that time is an illusion (indeed all of reality is an illusion) so maybe there's a good scientific explanation...? I think though that if I re-aquired things from childhood I'd have a bit of difficulty warming to them as they weren't actually mine but belonged to a stranger all these years.This might explain why I've never bought anything from e-bay.

  4. Yup, a bank to keep coins in. Also, there is a magical process which comes into play, whereby when you acquire a replacement for something you had in childhood, it somehow becomes the very one you had, not one that belonged to someone else. Try it and see.

  5. This is a major blast from the past for me so thanks for that as I had almost forgotten all about that bank - was this from around mid 70s? My brothers first job was for RBS in Rutherglen main street so it feels from around that time - I also recall RBS did a series of really cool looking clear piggy (pig) banks in pink, green, blue etc that were pretty stylish looking. I don't really pick up / collect items (toys, banks , games etc) but on the occasions when I see some of them in the flesh (so to speak) form my childhood I can get that " Madeleine type" moment when I'm right "back there" but on most occasions that I see the item its not for me as if it was that original one from all those years ago most items seems so small and isn't imbued with that magic my toys had to me back then - I can still kinda get that feeling with old comics and seeing an old football match on TV but a I can share it seeing the pictures on blogs like this so thanks for that.

  6. I seem to remember it from the late '60s or very early '70s, McScotty, but I've been told that different banks used the same design at different times. If true, then TSB may have had a version available years after (or before) the RSB one, etc. I'd appreciate it if anyone who knows more about the subject could enlighten me.

  7. Actually the more I think about it I think your correct it would have been the early 70s that I got this from my brother. My my brother was 5 years older than me so his first job was around 1971 (when I had started secondary school in Rutherglen )and they would have had this bank for a few years before changing it. Gawd I'm getting old :(

  8. None of us getting any younger, McScotty - that's for sure. (Sob!)

  9. Not as young as you might think sir, judging by your discussion I would say that my grandparent’s one may have very likely have belonged to my mother... With regards to age, I’m more of a Natwest Pig man myself ;)

  10. I used to have a rocket bank at one time, AJ. A typically '50s style space rocket. It was nice. I have a few piggy banks now. (A year and 8 months to reply - must be a record.)


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