Sunday, 16 March 2014



While we're waiting for the second part of The MARVEL Mag That TIME FORGOT, let's take a look at the 1983 11 issue run of another publication - The DAREDEVILS, which was subsumed by the second (and monthly) volume of MWOM from its 7th issue.

I bought the first 5 or 6 issues while living in one house, and the rest of them after flitting to another.  (They came back with me to the first house when I returned in August 1987, and I've still got them to this day.)  You'd have thought a magazine containing CAPTAIN BRITAIN, SPIDER-MAN, and FRANK MILLER's DAREDEVIL would've been a sure-fire hit, but its failure shows just how wrong you can be.

Never mind, at least we have these 11 covers to look back on and remind ourselves of what things were like over 30 years ago.  Got any memories?  Let's hear them.


  1. Another monthly I loved , especially the new look/direction CB, very similar vein to Warrior's Marvelman. He even cameod, name changed to Miracleman, along with General Tusker ( Jumbo ) and others.
    Again, thanks for the covers back!

  2. I remember that episode, JP. One glance at these covers and it's 1983 again, eh?

    (Originally published 16 March 2014 at 16:24.)


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