Tuesday 11 March 2014


SLINKY it was called - and it was (slinky, that is).   It was 1969 and my family were holidaying in Largs for the second year running.  If I recall correctly, we were in a shop with a display of this particular toy in action and, being impressed, my brother immediately bought one.  I still remember, holiday over and back home ('cos our rented holiday abode was a single-storey residence), observing Slinky descending the hall stairs.  It really seemed like a thing alive, so my delicate eardrums were grateful for the absence of COLIN CLIVE's histrionics as this amazing toy performed its perambulations for our entertainment and enjoyment.

Maybe one day new versions of Slinky will be able to make their way up the stairs as well as down.  Should that ever happen, I'll be sure to buy another one.  In the meantime, here's the 'lad' himself.  (A replacement for the one we had in the '60s.)


  1. Did you see this when it was viral on YouTube a couple of years ago? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCMmmEEyOO0

  2. It's a bit like a cartoon character walking off a cliff without noticing, and only starting to fall once he sees what he's done. Ta, Andrew.

  3. I don't suppose the famous jingle heard here in the states was brought over to to the UK too?


  4. I don't remember ever seeing Slinky advertised on U.K. telly, Chris. I'll get back to you on that one.

  5. Sad. Not that your childhood was missing something we've had for decades (since those commercials ran endlessly).

  6. It may well have been advertised on British telly, Chris, it's just that I've no particular recollection of it.


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