Wednesday 12 March 2014


Images copyright DC COMICS

I first read this neat little tale in the SPRING BOOKS printing of SUPERMAN: From The '30s To The '70s back in 1972.  A few years later, it was reprinted in a sort of 'sampler' version of the book; same cover, far fewer pages, and simply called Superman.  I passed on it at the time because two pages were omitted from this story, but I eventually picked up a copy many years later (and a good few years back).  I also managed to obtain the original U.S. comic quite a while ago, and it's great to see the story in full colour.  Being an unselfish sort, I decided to share a few pages with you here, so I hope you enjoy them.  Let me know your reaction via the captivating Criv-ites comments section.


  1. I loved Action Comics from this period especially all those amazing Neal Adams covers they just made me want to know what was inside (although this one I don't recall) - Swan and Anderson's interior art was at its peak at this time as well, what a pity DC have simply ruined Superman now.

  2. Not just Superman, McScotty. I can't remember the last time I read a new DC comic and enjoyed it. I love these replica editions of classic comics they do from time to time - not books, but actual comics, like Giant Superman #1. Wish they'd do more of them. In fact, that gives me an idea for a cover gallery.

  3. I just snagged this comic from the bargain bin of a comic shop- it is great fun. But when you think about the cool things that Denny O'Neil was doing over in Superman with the Sandman Saga, this story seems extra-goofy and off base. Still, the Swan / Anderson
    art is gorgeous.

  4. I wonder if it was inspired by the DNA/clone saga going on in Jimmy Olsen comics around that time, EC? And you're right about 'Swanderson' - great art.


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