Wednesday 26 March 2014


I recently discovered some old posters I did a good while back and it occurred to me that all you cultured Criv-ites might like to see them.  I did the first two A4 size, and the last two A5, side by side on an A4 sheet.


The first one is from the time I freelanced for GAMES WORKSHOP's BLACK LIBRARY division, who published various magazines like WARHAMMER and INFERNO.  One of the managers of the shop in my town asked if I'd do a poster to advertise for new recruits, so I readily acquiesced.  It was a freebie, so although I took the time required to do the illustration properly, I just rattled off the lettering with a felt-tip marker - which I then had to touch up with a ballpoint as the marker was a little dry in the ink department.  As far as I knew, it was only going to appear in a shop window, so there was no point going overboard on it.

I did the second poster for JOHN McSHANE, well-known Glasgow comics historian and man-about-town, for some proposed event a few years back, but I don't know if it ever came to pass or not.  Produced entirely by hand, it's not too shabby and didn't take me too long either.  Another freebie, needless to say.

The last two examples were done for my local (and long- gone) BEATTIES toyshop around fifteen or so years ago, and apart from the shop logo (which I took from a bag), everything was lettered by my own fair hand.  This time around, I think I got some free toys in exchange.  I know, I know - I'm a fool to myself.  Cold, hard, cash-in-hand is always better.

So there you have it.  Incontrovertible proof (if any should be needed) that I'm a 'poster-boy'! 

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