Friday 14 March 2014


Images copyright DC COMICS

Following on from Part One, here are some more cracking covers from various DC COMICS' replica 80 Page Giants and retro Annuals - and all for you, you lucky Criv-ites.  So, let's not waste another second with any way-out waffle from me - the pretty pictures are waiting!


  1. Some great covers and books there, I wasn't aware DC did so many of these replicas (was the Shazam one a replica as well - in Part One)These covers are how its done they make you want to read the comic, modern covers , especially DC are a series of splash pages now , I have a couple of these in original (very tatty format) Is the Teen Titans one a reprint book? - Well that's whetted my appetite so I'm off to Glasgow to have a look for some of these replicas

  2. I think the Shazam one is a new comic, McScotty, which utilised an old cover, but I could be wrong. The Teen Titans is all-new content - still haven't read it 'though.

  3. the Teen Titans one was pretty good. I think it was by Jay Stephens. that Justice Society one brings back a whole load of good memories, though, especially the Starman/Black Canary story, drawn by the great Murphy Anderson.

    got the book this morning, Kid. what can I say, mate? honestly, it's fabulous. I showed it to the wife, and she opened it, took a big long sniff, gave it back to me, and said, " Tell him thank you from me, too, " so double-plus-good there, chum! those Trigan pages burst out at you, don't they? sometimes, with the ammount of time I spend these days looking at stuff online, it's easy for me to forget just how lovely that stuff really was.

  4. Online is good, Joe, but in your hands on paper is always better. Glad you're enjoying it.

  5. The Shazam one is new (that is, it was not a replica of a previously published Annual or Giant or Special). It reprinted several 1940's stories, including the first appearance of Black Adam and the origin/first appearance of Mary Marvel. I think the cover was a remake of Marvel Family #1 (1945).


  6. I suspect you meant to leave your comment on part one, TC - not that it matters much. (Where you leave it, I mean, not the comment itself.) Yes, I knew the Shazam one was new (although I've seen the cover before) - I alluded to that fact on the actual post, but thanks for confirming it.

  7. Well, my comment was in response to McScotty's question above, asking if the Shazam one was a replica. As you alluded in Part One, it was one of those editions that "should have been." In fact, the foreword said that it was a sort of, "What if Fawcett had published a Marvel Family Annual in 1953?"

    DC also published a Sgt. Rock digest-sized TPB in 2005. It reprinted several (maybe all?) of the stories from the "Prize Battle Tales" Annual.

  8. I've just noticed that I actually said to McS in my response that I thought it was a new one (but I didn't want to be dogmatic just in case I was mistaken). I should have read the forward when I was scanning the cover, eh?


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