Wednesday 5 March 2014


Copyright relevant owner

I must confess to feeling fair chuffed with myself, fellow Criv-ites.  And the reason for my self-satisfaction?  You're looking at it in the accompanying photos.  Allow me to explain.

A year or two back, I acquired a copy of MONSTER FUN #1 to replace the one I'd bought when the comic first went on sale back in 1975.  However, it was missing the pull-out centre pages containing the BADTIME BEDTIME STORYBOOK by the legendary LEO BAXENDALE.

As some of you will no doubt know, finding a copy of the first issue complete with the pull-out is getting increasingly difficult these days. It's not immediately obvious when it's missing, because the pages underneath feature a 'centre-spread' story, giving the comic the appearance of being intact even when it's not.  Some dealers unfamiliar with the comic often don't mention when the pull-out is missing because it looks complete at a cursory glance.

Anyway, to cut to the chase: I acquired scans of the missing pull-out, tarted them up a bit, then printed out a facsimile which I'm well-satisfied with.  Of course, it's always good to have the original, but in its absence, a high-quality replica will suffice for the foreseeable future.  (Update: Now got an original.)

So, have a look at the photos of my handiwork and then proclaim to the heavens - "Didn't he do well!"

'Cos I did!

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