Sunday 16 February 2014


You'll have heard me mention The GROSVENOR CAFE in Glasgow's famous Ashton Lane before (not the cafe that now bears the name, but the one owned by the original owners).  Sadly, it closed its doors in 2001, but I have fond memories of the place.  I recall myself and a friend being surprised to find it open later than usual one evening, and jumping in for a coffee and to enjoy the ambience.

They weren't normally open at that hour, so I think it may have been a trial run to see what kind of business they could attract in the evenings, if any.  I have an idea that they'd laid tablecloths and put a few candles around the place, but perhaps I'm imagining that.  My friend and I were the only two customers, and the staff (two girls) were kind enough to play my CD of MEL TORME which I had bought earlier from BORDERS, another now-vanished city-centre establishment.

Anyway, whenever I listen to that CD today, I can't help but think of The Grosvenor Cafe (and Borders) in all its glory, and give a little sigh for times past.  Here's one of the songs that was on that particular CD album - I'm fairly sure you'll enjoy at least as much as I do.


  1. Kid,it's refreshing that you're not afraid to admit your love of Mel Torme and Jim Reeves - there's nothing more pathetic or hilarious than a middle-aged person claiming to be into hip-hop or whatever, gettin' down with da kidz, innit. Talking of Jim Reeves - this year is 50 years since his death isn't it? He achieved that rare feat of a posthumous No.1 without relying on sympathy sales - Distant Drums was a No.1 hit two years after he died.

  2. Col, I started my Jim Reeves record collection when I was about 18, and bought my first Mel Torme record when I was about 22, so it would be pointless to deny or attempt to cover up my musical tastes. As you say, the alternative is pathetic. However, I actually have quite a varied range in my collection - including Madonna and Deep Purple.

  3. Checked this post on my mobile and the link isn't there - just an empty space!

  4. Not sure why that is, JP. It's still showing on my computer and seems to be working fine - I've just checked it. Problem with your mobile perhaps?

  5. I get that problem on my tablet - just a grey box saying "this plug-in is not supported". What's odd is that the tablet has the latest Android update( Kit Kat). I have no problems with my lap top or my phone (which I'm using to write this). I suppose something needs to be downloaded but I don't know what and to be honest it doesn't happen often enough to be a problem and I can watch the Youtube clip on another device.


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