Tuesday 18 February 2014


All characters copyright their respective owners

When you think about it, TV TORNADO had quite a line-up within its pages - SUPERMAN, BATMAN, The MAN From U.N.C.L.E., etc.  Trouble was, the real biggies were text stories rather than comic strips, which is perhaps not the best way to present superhero adventures.  It's interesting to speculate on whether the mag might've enjoyed a far longer run had the artwork been of the same high-quality as in TV CENTURY 21.  Can you imagine Superman and Batman being illustrated by ace artists like MIKE NOBLE or RON EMBLETON?!  Wow!  Of course, whether NATIONAL PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS would've allowed anyone else to produce brand-new tales of their top superheroes is open to question, as is whether CITY MAGAZINES could've afforded the licensing rights to do so.

Anyway, enough of 'what-ifs?', let's just enjoy the second half of the first issue of TV Tornado together.  Just think, you lucky collectors - now you have the complete comic to add to your collection.

Click here for Part One.


  1. Another thanks for "giving me back " a long - lost first ish. Yeah , I would have loved art rather than text , but for all the strips he DID cram into this comic, I' ve got to award Mick Anglo A for effort!

  2. No tother a' ba', JP. (As we say in Scotland.)

  3. Re-reading this again I can hear the Monkees' " I'm A Believer " in my imagination!

  4. Well, I suppose it's cheaper than a record player.


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