Saturday, 22 February 2014


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I reckon we're long overdue for yet another instalment of SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY cover gallery, so here are another five issues from 1973 for you to drool over.  Number 47 was the final paper-covered copy of SMCW, as it switched to a glossy cover with the next edition.  And now the bad news: I don't have every single copy of the comic that was ever published, so therefore I can't feature them on the blog.  However, I do have various issues from its glossy-covered run, which I'll post from time to time as I remember where I put them - so that's something for you to look forward to (I hope) at least.

Anyway, that's enough waffle from me, enjoy the images ahead.


  1. You mentioned the other day that Marvel comics never had snow on their mastheads at Christmas - but (as shown here) they always had those festive back covers. I always used to pin up the latest Xmas design in my bedroom - the one I remember best was the one from 1976 where Captain Britain is in the middle and all the Marvel characters are around him - funny to think that by the following Christmas he'd have vanished from Marvel UK,Kid !

  2. I don't recall Marvel having snow on their mastheads (apart from that Thor & X-Men cover), but there may have been some that I've just forgotten. I remember them using the back cover of a Treasury Edition on the British weeklies one year because it had a Christmassy scene. (In fact, the one in this post also came from a TE, I think.) As for that Captain Britain one, I may have already shown it, but regardless, it'll be popping up again when I get around to doing a CB cover gallery.

  3. Yes, they all came from those Holiday Grab Bag Treasury Editions apart from the Captain Britain one - my memory has probably deceived me and it may not have been every year but I remember at least two or three festive back covers anyway.

  4. If you have examples of every incarnation of Spidey UK with all the different titles that would be great. When you start on CB will you give us a peek inside? I missed out on CB until the Daredevils monthly.

  5. The Daredevil illustration on the advertisement at the bottom caught my attention all those years ago.
    I dearly wanted to see a comic done in a 'realistic' style.
    Of course it has been done a few times since then by Alex Ross and others.
    Do you know where this drawing comes from?

  6. Don't worry, JP, I'll give you a peek inside the CBs. Don't say I'm not good to you.


    My first thought was that it was taken from one of four transfers given away with Avengers #1 (and later made into posters), but something tells me it's a different pose, although I could be wrong. Does look like a similar style of art 'though, Baab. I've got the transfers, so I'll check when I remember where they are.

  7. I thought the posters - , drawn/painted by Lopez Espi featuring as well as DD Iron man, Spider-ma, Capt America, Hulk and Thor were based on the transfers, if not they seemed similar (then again it was a whiles ago I could be mistaken) - the blog below shows the Posters

  8. Having looked at the posters, McScotty, they definitely featured the same artwork as the transfers. I remember writing to Marvel, saying that they should issue posters of the transfers as the art was so good - and they did. So anyone who's got the posters has me to thank (as well as all the other people who undoubtedly wrote in requesting the same thing). And did I send away for them? No! What the hell was wrong with me?

  9. Fantastic,and thanks for the link Paul.
    I just had a wee memory unblocked from the ol' cranium.
    How could I forget those posters.
    Of course, I did not completely forget.

    I must have stared at them for hours when I was younger.

  10. FINALLY got round to listening to Rock Reflections of a Super- Hero. I loved it! It was like Grease if Stan had scripted it. Thanks very much- I also love getting your beautifully lettered envelopes.

  11. Glad you enjoyed it, Dougie. I'll get the other one (LP) done for you when I can. Hopefully not too long.


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