Wednesday 12 February 2014


Just about everyone knows the song LOVE ME TENDER by PELVIS PARSLEY (or whatever his name is), but did you know that the tune originally belonged to a 19th century composition called AURA LEE?  Here's Mr. VELVET himself, JIM REEVES, singing it live sometime back in the 1950s (I think) on some show or other.

This clip looks as if it's been filmed directly from the TV broadcast, so the quality of sound and vision isn't all that great, but isn't it interesting to hear the original version of the song?


  1. That figures , as Elvis himself was a fan of Jim.

  2. Apparently, when Elvis was due to sing Blue Moon on the Louisiana Hayride back in the '50s, he was too nervous to go out on stage and sing so Jim pushed him on. Who knows what might have happened if he hadn't, eh?


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