Sunday 26 January 2014


Copyright D.C. Thomson & Co., Ltd

Today's The SUNDAY POST has another great giveaway magazine - The BROONS FAMILY TREE - with another album to follow next week.  Featuring strips by the talented KEN H. HARRISON telling the 'origins' of the Broons, this free mag will be sure to delight fans of the only artist since DUDLEY D. WATKINS to do full justice to the aforementioned Scottish family and Oor WULLIE, who first appeared in the paper's FUN SECTION way back in the '30s.

Unfortunately, the designer has gone for the cliched option of making the pages look as if they're part of a family album, which is slightly intrusive and distracting.  The first and last pages would've been fine - but all the way through?!  When is D.C. THOMSON going to learn that 'less is more' and stop compromising the integrity of a comic page with needless clutter?  Some of the pictures also look like they've been resized, and the guttering between panels - as in last week's magazine - is far too large, lending a disjointed look to the finished result.

Still, it's Ken H. Harrison, it's the Broons, and it's free -so despite my few critical reservations, well-worth having.  Rush out and buy your copy of The Sunday Post today!  

Just look at Maggie Broon - no wonder I fancy her!  Well done, Ken


  1. It's funny how Maggie's the only Broon that's really changed over the years - makes sense really, seeing as she's the "fashionable" one.

  2. Ken H. Harrison has a knack for drawing attractive women, THB. The current artist of the strip can't quite match him in that regard (or in composition).

  3. Help ma boab,jist hid a wee sleekit peek at Maggie Broon! Whit a delight.A`ve no hid sicht a stirrin in ma loins since Jessica Rabbit came oot flauntin her wares an` lookin aw sexy an the like.A think a micht be comin oot in a rash!!!

  4. Careful, Moony - if Mlp reads this, you'll give him another headache trying to work out what you've just said.

  5. I miss Harrison's Minnie the Minx work - that teacher, oh boy oh boy oh boy!

  6. Now yer talkin', THB. Droooool!


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