Saturday 18 January 2014


Tense, nervous, headache?  Tired and worn out from the cares of the day?  Then what you need is a mental massage to soothe and relax you, and nothing does that better than the velvet-voiced musical marvel that was - that isJIM REEVES!

So, plug in your headphones, click the above link, then sit back and feel all your worries melt away.


  1. Sometimes you get in the mood for this lavish country shmaltz. I usually prefer my country with a bit more edge and snap, but there's no denying the broad appeal (at least once upon a time) of Reeves and his smooth smooth delivery.

    Rip Off

  2. I don't really consider Jim Reeves a 'Country' singer, Rip (at least, not in the 'real' sense) - I think of him as more of an 'easy listening' crooner, despite his C&W origins. Tell you what, we'll settle for Country crooner - how's that? He's certainly super-smooth in his delivery.

  3. I am more into rock type music (Bowie, Zepplen etc) but I appreciate a good voice and have a stash of similar music I love to play (Cash, Reeves, Matt Munro etc) - sadly that music is from a lost world now complete with true emotions, wonderful words and great craftsmanship - takes me back to my mum and dad playing his music when I was a kid. McScotty

  4. He's doing well for someone who died in 1964, McScotty. Had an CD in the top ten album charts in 2009. Glad the song brought back happy memories for you.

  5. Well true talent never dies artists like Elvis, Jim Reeves, Matt Munro, Sinatra etc will always live on and do well - I sometimes (OK almost always) pop into a "traditional" pub on the way home on Friday after work for a pint in Glasgow, and they have a karaoke on (I m not a fan of them) but some good singers and the content is almost always Jim Reeves, Sinatra and Matt Munro and not from old git younger folk (20s - 40s) as well,all songs are quite literally murdered all the same -McScotty

  6. Had 'an' CD - oh dear. Read that as had 'a' CD. Originally typed 'album' then changed it to avoid repetition. You're right, McScotty - true talent never dies - that's why I'll live forever (he said, modestly).


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