Sunday 22 December 2013


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

For no other reason than it's getting near Christmas, here's a nice Seasonal scene from the 1973 Yuletide issue of SPARKY, as drawn by the late, great, BILL RITCHIE. I humbly suggest that it'd be a great idea for D. C. THOMSON's to utilise such Festive cover illustrations in a series of Christmas cards and add a few coppers to their coffers.  Remember, you read it here first!!!


  1. Good idea DCT aren't actually that shy about being commercial with Dennis the Broons and Oor Wullie (in particular) and some of these would make general cards (rather than be specifically comic related)plus I'm sure they have a load of other holiday/ celebration related illos like New Year (Hogmanay) Valentines day,birthdays etc , your a wee commercial dervish realy. McScotty

  2. If they get around to doing it, do you think they'd cut me in for a percentage, McScotty? Nah, me neither. Happy Christmas when it comes, sir.


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