Tuesday 24 December 2013


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

And another cracking Christmas cover in the Crivens' countdown to the 25th.  Isn't it an atmospheric beauty?  C'mon now, who all misses SPARKY and wishes it was still around?  Hands up!  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... ulp - far too many to count!


  1. My brother used to get it every week right from the start, so I read 'em too. Anyway, have a great xmas & thanks for another year's entertainment!

  2. Ta, JP, and a very Merry Christmas to you (and your bruv), too.

  3. Great cover can't beleive its 43 years old ykes!!!- anyway just wanted to say have a great Xmas to you and all readers of your blog - hope no one gets blown away in this weather - McScotty

  4. Thanks, McScotty - and hope you have twice as good a Christmas and New Year as you're wishing for.

  5. Always thought the Sparky was a bit of a mish mash with old revivals of the likes of Keyhole Kate, Hungry Horace etc not really cutting the ice. The adventure stories were perhaps the best part of the comic. By the way was Sparky himself the most un PC comic character of the 60s? Scraps in at the bottom end of my top 15 comics of the 60s.

    In the spirit of the season though it is a rather jolly Christmas cover.

    Have a good one.


  6. Ken, Sparky came out the same week as TV Century 21 (dated 23rd January) so I suspect it was put together in a hurry in order to capitalise on kids asking their parents to get them "that new comic". In the shops, faced with a choice of TV21 (if there were any left) or the lower priced Sparky, a lot of parents would've opted for the cheaper title - something that DCT would've been relying on.

    Have a great Christmas and an even greater New Year, Ken.

  7. Merry Christmas, Kid, and sincere wishes for a happy new year! M.P.

  8. And you, too, MLP. Hope Santa was good to you.

  9. yo ho ho
    The Sparky was great.

    One more gift to open,looks like an Essentials Warlock omnibus..........I am under the impression that certain panels of these issues will throw up moments for me.

    I'm going in now,I may return.

    Good to hear you are having a good time Kid.

  10. Maybe one day there'll be a Sparky Omnibus. Wouldn't that be something? Merry Christmas, Baab.

  11. I Spy, the Moonsters, and Puss and Boots were three Sparky characters that were as impressive as any other I always thought------there were plenty of other good characters apart from these, although the quality waned a bit in the final two years ['75-77] Poweful memories of Sparky at it's peak, though.

  12. Indeed, Rab - and it lasted a few years longer than the comic which had been launched in the same week - TV21.


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