Friday 8 November 2013


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co, Ltd

Take a look at this little beauty - The DANDY And The BEANO 1937-1969 CLASSIC CHRISTMAS COMIC COVERS - indisputably the best reprint book featuring D.C. THOMSON material ever published.  Ever been irritated by all that annoying clutter with which DCT dress up the pages of their own reprint volumes, distracting the reader's attention and compromising the archival integrity of the contents?  Then this is the book for you (as it has none of that)!

What's more, it simply exudes Christmas from every page - the kind of Christmas that those of a certain age prefer to remember, and which today's generation of lost youth have, sadly, never experienced.  If you're around 50 years of age (or older), your long-ago childhood awaits within the pages of this magnificent volume for you to re-experience at your leisure.  Thomson's need to study this book to see how such a project should be approached - it really is that good.

Available from - only 1,000 of this superlative 'must-have' dust-jacketed, hardcover treasury have been published, so don't delay - buy one today!  You'll be glad you did.  Priced at a measly £20, plus p&p.


  1. Guess what Santa is bringing me this year? Pity Phil did not do the annual covers as well. My all time favourite annual cover is Dandy 1967. The Brassneck story inside still makes me chortle with delight.


  2. Maybe his next book will be Dandy & Beano Annual covers, Ken - I'd certainly buy it.

  3. And guess what my daughter has just ordered for my birthday? I would love a book of Beezer and Topper Christmas comic covers!! Will have to send some feedback back to Phil .

  4. He'd maybe need a larger scanner for that, JP (unless he already has one). I'd like to see a B&T book also, as well as one featuring all the back cover Dennis the Menace strips - that'd be nice.


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