Wednesday 6 November 2013


When Scottish-born author KENNETH GRAHAME wrote his literary classic The WIND In The WILLOWS at the beginning of the last century, his original title for the book was The Wind In The Reeds.  However, it was considered too similar to William Butler Yeats' novel, The Wind Amongst The Reeds, so Grahame offered yet another suggestion - The Children of Pan.  Other names were proposed, before the original title was amended slightly to the more alliterative one we all know and love today.

30 years ago (1983/'84), when I purchased the THAMES METHUEN edition featuring colour plates specially photographed on the set of the COSGROVE HALL TV movie, every single dustjacket in every single bookstore I visited had wrinkles marring the clear 'lamination' on the cover.  I bought the best one I could get and then contacted the publishers for a replacement dustjacket.  The one I received had the exact same problem (as you can see in the accompanying scans) so it seems that they were all printed with the same imperfection.

That aside, however, it's a nice little edition, so I thought I'd share the interior colour plates with those of you who may never have seen them before.  I don't know if this particular edition of the book is still available, but if you're looking for the ideal Christmas gift for your children, nieces or nephews (from 11 up), any one of a number of other versions of this classic tale would be a superlative choice.  (I'd recommend an ERNEST H. SHEPARD illustrated edition.)  The book hasn't been out of print since first published in 1908, so it must have something going for it.

And if you're an adult who hasn't yet read the book yourself, then why delay such a delightful adventure any longer?  You're in for a rare treat indeed.  Buy a copy now - before Mr. TOAD pays you a visit in his motor car.  POOP!  POOP!


  1. Love these photos! Don't suppose they ever thought to have published this in the US though we should've gotten it too if only to tie-in with their broadcast of the film and series on The Disney Channel in the 80's.

  2. Might be worth checking to see if it was published in the U.S., Chris. Can't see any reason why it shouldn't have been. If not, it shouldn't be too difficult to get a U.K. edition on eBay if you really want a copy.

  3. I recall "The Fool of the World" showing up on a PBS program over here that aired around the early 90's called "Long Ago and Far Away" (hosted by James Earl Jones).

  4. I recall seeing The Pied Piper back in 1981 or '82 and being well-impressed by it. I may have it on video from a much later screening, although, if so, I didn't watch it, only taped it with the intention of viewing it later. At least, that's what I seem to remember, but perhaps that was only my plan should it ever be rescreened, and I'm imagining I taped it rather than remembering. I haven't seen The Fool of the World, but I bought the complete box set of The Wind in the Willows last year.

  5. Thanks for posting! As a massive fan of the Cosgrove Hall series it's great to know that there are full colour pictures within this edition. I remembered seeing one for sale on eBay so have just bought it. Thanks again.

  6. Glad you managed to get yourself a copy, Simon. Sorry you had trouble with the comment moderation feature.


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