Tuesday 19 November 2013



Look what I found lurking amongst some papers the other day. I know what you're thinking: "That's not up to much!"  And you'd be right - if I were offering it as a prime example of my drawing skills, but I'm not.  The above sketch was produced during a tea break in the early hours of the morning when I worked as a supervisor in my local MOTOROLA plant some years back.

I put down some faint, rough guidelines with a blue pen and then finished it off with a black biro in about 10 or 15 minutes.  It's simply a sketch - a doodle - drawn for my own amusement - not a finished piece of 'proper' art designed to impress editors or anyone else.

But still - not too bad for what it is, eh?  The name?  DUNN KWIK is a non de plume I affix to any quick sketches dashed off in a hurry.  I couldn't possibly put my actual name on anything less than my best, now could I?  And yes, one day I intend to draw the thing properly - maybe even a painted version.  Anyone like to see that?

Okay, okay - keep your hair on.  I only asked.

1 comment:

  1. Not even one comment - you lot certainly kept your hair on.


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