Sunday 17 November 2013


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For those who enjoyed seeing number one of ALLY SLOPER, here are some select pages from the second issue. More pages will follow in part two, including A FAREWELL To FRANK BELLAMY, who had sadly passed away a short while before.  Don't miss it. 


  1. Really enjoying seeing these issues of Ally Sloper again - strange first time around I was not impressed at all by this book as it seemed old even in 1976 and came over as more of a reference book to old comics (during Punk when the old guard were looked on by the "yoof" of the day as having nothing to say) but it is/was a great historical reference for UK comics. Looking back s it now looks a bit edgy with, on the face of it a fanzine type/style appearance (but in reality very well put together). The one real surprise to me is looking at Denis Gifford's cartooning style I recall neither liking or disliking his style at the time preferring the likes of the then young turks of the time Hunt Emerson etc but I have to say Denis' style looks fresh and reminds me very much of those wacky Jay Ward cartoons (I love em) ie Dudley Do Right , Bullwinkle and Rocky etc - Did Denis Gifford draw in an "adventure" type style also? -McScotty

  2. The surprising thing about Ally Sloper, McScotty, is that Denis surely must have disapproved of some of the strips it contained, going by his later views on comics like Action and 2000 A.D. I guess he needed to fill the mag 'though, so put some of his personal reservations aside.

    Believe it or not, Denis drew westerns, SF, adventure, and superhero strips from time to time. I liked his Steadfast McStaunch strip in Whizzer & Chips, and actually own the original art of the last one before it became a joke page.


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