Saturday 5 October 2013


Back when I was a very young kid, I had a friction-drive SUPERCAR toy (manufactured by FAIRYLITE) which, though not particularly accurate, was certainly recognizable.  I placed it atop our BELLING electric fire one day, and the rising heat from the bars warped one of the wings slightly.  The toy is long lost to the mists of time and I've never really tried to replace it, though I may get around to it one day.  (Update: Now done so.)

Thankfully, however, PRODUCT ENTERPRISE stepped up to the bat with their excellent representation of the famed GERRY ANDERSON vehicle several years ago and I bought two of them.  (One to display, and the other to be kept in reserve.)  I now have more Supercars than I ever owned as a kid - four by JOHNNY LIGHTNING, two by Product Enterprise, two by CECIL COLEMAN, and one by BUDGIE TOYS - as well as a repro version.  (Not forgetting the one by Fairylite.)

Thought I'd share a few of photos of the PE version here.  Enjoy!


  1. Hi Kid,

    Have you seen this:

  2. Wow, that looks fantastic, Wayne. Thanks for letting me know.


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