Saturday 19 October 2013


For all lovers of superhero adventure comic strips, here's one
of the finest from the pages of FANTASTIC, published by ODHAMS
PRESS in the late '60s - JOHNNY FUTURE! Drawn by spanish artist
LUIS BERMEJO, this is one of the most fondly-remembered strips of
the period by those who were lucky enough to be there at the time.
Ah, the '60s! What can one say about them? The era of BOND, THE
BEATLES and BATMAN, it was also the time of flower power and 'free
love' ('though there's always a catch), to say nothing of some great
puppet shows from the stable of GERRY ANDERSON.
However, we're not here to talk about those things - for the moment
it's only JOHN FOSTER's superpowered alter-ego we're interested in.
So let's get to him, shall we? And we're off!  



  1. Thanks for posting more Johnny Future. It's been a good while since you last graced us with his stories.

  2. Believe it or not, in the 60' s I simply just read these JF stories without even NOTICING the outstanding art! I just took it for granted! Really sorry, Luis, kids can be so thoughtless!

  3. Nae bother Jeff. Glad to hear that you and JP are enjoying them. Anyone else?

  4. Sorry Kid, too busy looking at the great art I forgot to leave a message of thanks, so, thanks! Always look
    forward to more JF, and finding out if he's finally shaken off his oversized metal stalker. Too bad the collected volumes never saw print (to my knowledge). There's one set I'd love to add to the ever-expanding collected volumes threatening to completely take over my book shelf. What a way to go!

  5. That's one collected edition I'd like to see as well, Phil - with the art sensitively restored and coloured. They'd better do it soon 'though, while there are still enough people around who remember ol' Johnny.


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