Thursday 17 October 2013


I've been a little lax with my postings recently, but having just wiped the dust of one particular distraction from my shoes, you now have my full attention.  So what would you like me to talk about?  If you have any suggestions or ideas about what you'd like to see your humble (I'm famous for it) host cover on this site, write in and let me know.  (But keep it decent, hear?)

Do you prefer to read mainly about U.K. comics, or are you as equally interested in U.S. ones?  What era most appeals to you, or are your tastes more general and non-specific?  You know where the ol' comments box is, intelligent ones, so don't be scared to use it. 

May I remind you all, however, that although the anonymous option remains open for the convenience of those without Google accounts, no comments will be published without a name of some kind (unless at my discretion), even if only an assumed one.  This helps to distinguish between different 'anonymous' commenters and avoids confusion.  Once you've adopted a name (if you're not using your real one), please stick with it.  Ta.  


  1. Kid, don't stop ANY of the topics you talk about - UK AND US comics ,nostalgia (the good old days), toys ,collectibles,records, TV & film sci-fi /fantasy, etc . GEEK STUFF!( you know my favourites, already! 'Nuff said )

  2. I like the eclectic mix from both sides of the ocean myself (an mainly from the 60's to the 80's myself, but you're open to whatever you want, nothing current will do surely).

  3. Yeah I also enjoy the mix of things, prefer US comics from the 60s to mid 70s, and UK 60s comics, music (even Jim Reeves lol) toys etc - McScotty

  4. Not so much favourites, just that some things are more familiar and easier to comment on. It's all good but.

  5. Cover galleries and stories about your school/house/bits of furniture are my favourite parts of your blog...

  6. Kid, as others have said; keep doing what you're doing! Though having said that my bias is towards the comics related posts, both the Marvel material and especially the UK comics of the 60s. Love seeing material from TV21 and the likes of WHAM! (anything by Reid and Baxendale gets my vote).
    But, your blog, your choice. Just sayin' is all, as you asked.

  7. Keep it all going, takes me back to better days.

  8. Thanks for commenting everyone - glad to hear that you're enjoying my humble efforts.


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name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.