Monday 30 September 2013



I don't think I've ever actually read all my NOT BRAND ECHHs, so one day I must sit down and do just that.  Another thing I need to do before I fall off the twig is acquire the missing four issues to complete my collection.  Funnily enough, I used to have at least two, perhaps three, of them, but they were a bit battered so I threw them away.  (Not something I'd do these days, I hasten to add.)

Anyway, that's yer lot as far as NBEs go, but there are still a few WHAT THE - - ?! covers coming your way in a future post, so remember to stay tuned.

As a bonus, below is a copy of the first issue - with a U.K.
price of 10d on the cover. And thus we come full circle.


  1. The common feature of Not Brand Echh and the What The--?! comics is that the cover artwork is mostly wonderful.

    I have a couple of both titles in the tattered,where is that cover/page kind of style.

  2. I really need to sit down and read them , Baab. I remember very little about them - if I even read them at all.


    I notice that my pathetic, would-be but impotent harasser still hasn't learned the futility of trying to match wits with me. (He's only half-equipped.) That's at least another dozen of his comments deleted unread. Here's to the next dozen.

  3. Kid,

    Lot's of fun stuff stuff between the pages. I loved this comic growing up and still think it features some of Marie Severin's best work. She has a real flair for humor, with Tom Sutton a close second. Kirby, Colan, Lee and Thomas weren't bad either!

  4. Nick, I'd say that Marie Severin, for all the high regard in which she's held, deserves to be revered even more. That Hulk/Subby battle in TTA #100 is superb - and as you say, as a humourist cartoonist, she was fantastic.

  5. I got a copy of issue 7 in a newsagent in Barn Street in Strathaven circa 1971 or 72; I was certainly aware it was an "old" comic. I also had a copy of issue 10, The Worst of NBE.

    Around that time, some late 60s comics cropped up in Strathaven & Stonehouse- like FF Annual 6. I wonder why?

  6. Probably an overlooked batch found in a warehouse, Dougie. Several newsagents in my town suddenly got in a supply of pristine copies of the 1965 Journey Into Mystery #1 Annual in 1973.


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