Wednesday 11 September 2013


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Well, what more can be said about CADET's DALEKS sweet cigarette cards that you don't already know?  Nothing I can think of, but if you have something to add, feel free to do so in the comments section.  Go on - share your knowledge with the rest of us.

Only another 20 cards to go for a complete set, so don't forget to be here when the next five appear in part seven.


  1. You can tell the difference between the stories on this second story ( #26-50), compared to the first story (#1-25), when it seemed like there were just guide notes to thepictures.

  2. You're right, JP - I hadn't even noticed that there were two stories, having given the text on each card little more than a cursory glance.

  3. The back of the box design was slightly different for the 2 separate stories.

  4. These cards look terrible to me, like parts of a hastily drawn storyboard! But, through the eyes of nostalgia they look beautiful to those who saw them half a century ago! It is all very subjective.

    What about the new DR Who figurine collection? What is your opinion of those and also the Star Trek model magazine.

  5. Anon, would you pick a name for yourself when commenting so that I can tell who's who? I won't be publishing any more comments submitted via the anonymous option unless they have a name affixed to them.

    I won't be buying any of the Star Trek models, apart perhaps from the original TV Enterprise, and I may buy a couple of Daleks - but that'll be it. I no longer have space for such collections.


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