Monday 2 September 2013


McSCOTTY, a fairly regular reader, expressed a request
to see again one of his favourite and fondly recalled toys from
childhood - and so, quite simply, here it is!  Enjoy, McS.


  1. Oh what a star you are, thanks for that kid, it brings back some very nice memories - I recall a bit of "weight" to that toy van and even as a kid thinking it was well worth the money my mum and dad must have paid for it - strangely although this is one of my more vivid memories from childhood I don't recall the logo on the side of the front doors - Now I need to get that van again it looks better than I remember (think this may have sparked a new hobby ) - McScotty

  2. Careful, McScotty - that 'new hobby' has gripped me for about 30 years now. There's always something else to acquire.

  3. Dang, that is kinda cool. It would would be a handsome addition to my mantel, along with the batmobile model and the two empty beer cans. I'm starting to wonder what happened to my toy cars from the 70's when I was a kid. I'm gonna have to ask Ma about that. Thanks a lot for putting a bee in my bonnet. M.P.

  4. Seeing that van for the first time in decades triggered two memories. The first was Patrick Troughton and Yeti in the underground. The other was Cadbury's Mini Eggs.
    I bet I was playing with this toy when "The Web of Fear" was on tv. Since it ended in March 1968, when I was still 4 yrs old, maybe there was an early Easter launch for said confectionery?

  5. That's some memory, Dougie. Cadbury's launched their mimi-eggs in 1967 and they usually go on sale around Easter. I have an idea that I may also have had one of these vans (probably acquired in a jumble sale) because the cameraman figure seems extremely familiar. No particular memory associated with them 'though.


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