Sunday 18 August 2013


know it was an evening in December, but I'm unable to pinpoint the precise year.  Could've been 1966, certainly no later than '68,  just before Christmas.  I was out shopping with my parents and, whilst in Woolworth's, I saw a toy which I immediately had to have.  Luckily it was inexpensive and, well - it was nearly Christmas, so my parents purchased it for me.  It was a friction-drive toy (Marx* perhaps?) of Santa Claus in a rocket sleigh, with a reindeer head protruding from the front of it.  Behind Santa was the top half of his sack full of toys.  (*LP Toys was the manufacturer.)

I'd like to have this toy again, so if anybody recognises its description and knows where I might acquire one, I'd appreciate them letting me know in the comments section.  Sorry, I don't have a photo to show what it look like.

(Update: Well, I didn't when I first published this post, but I do now.  The toy was called Space Blimp Of Christmas, and I managed to obtain one in an earlier version of the box [above] than the one [below] I recall the toy having when I got my first one.)  

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