Sunday 4 August 2013


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

I'd imagine there must be quite a number of cavortin' Crivvies out there who are patiently waiting for the next instalment of The DALEKS sweet cigarette cards by confectionery company CADET.  Therefore, anxious not to disappoint their eager expectations, here are the next five cards in the series.  We're now at the halfway mark with only 25 cards to go to complete the set, so don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for them in future posts, on this, the best blog in the world.  (As voted by myself, of course.  Who else could be so deluded?)  


  1. Those cards are beautiful. Why does nothing like that exist today? Okay I know they're candy sticks now but they could still have cards in them. I saw a packet of Avengers candy sticks and it had a free rub down tattoo. Okay not bad but a series of cards would be better! We want Doctor Who candy sticks with Peter Capaldi cards.

  2. Hopefully the CEO of a huge confectionary company reads your comment and acts on it, MM.

  3. Saw a complete set in the "Cadet" generic album on sale for 130 quid on a DW merchandise site. Hmmm, think I'll pass....

  4. There have been a few sets sold on eBay recently for between £40 and £50, JP.


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