Monday 19 August 2013


As you can see, the bold young bruin YOGI BEAR makes a comeback to this blog in yet more photos of my recent acquisition.  However, this time there's actually a reason apart from ownerly pride, and it's this.  First of all, I've tidied up the paint job on him and affixed an exhaust to the side of his scooter, held on by double-sided tape as I don't want to make the addition a 'permanent' feature at this time.

Some collectors will be horrified by my repainting some details of the toy, as it's generally acknowledged that this can affect the value of the piece.  That aspect doesn't concern me however, as I don't buy things for the investment potential, but just because I want them.  Also, unless an item is very nearly perfection personified to begin with, I like to add my 'stamp' to the thing when I'm repairing, restoring, or enhancing it.  In that way, it's my toy, not just a generic example.

As for the exhaust, later versions of the MARX scooter toy had exhausts which (going by the SPIDER-MAN and GOOFY photos at the foot of this post) look as if they plug into holes in the side.  I assume that Yogi was an early version, issued without one, but if anyone knows for sure, please let me know.  As I said, I've temporarily added one I made myself with double-sided tape, even if it's not an exact match.  Looks good though.

As you can see from the unretouched seller's photo of Yogi (below) before I did some work on him, the paint job was fairly crude.  (In earlier outings I 'tidied up' the photo digitally.)  Compare it to the picture at the top of the post to see the difference.  My own opinion is that if someone has the necessary skill to improve the finish on a poorly painted toy, then go for it.

So, what's your verdict?  Improvement or sacrilege?  If you have an opinion - or any information about Marx scooter toys in general - feel free to visit the comments section.


  1. I had remark from a particular collector relayed to me a while ago, "I don't even dust them." Although apparently he's careful they're kept under cover. Original condition is always going to get a premium but -original- is not the same as -mint- a sympathetic restoration can command a comparable premium but, tinkering with a mint item is -- well never going to enhance its value. Personally -- I prefer a certain patina acquired through the attentions of keen but careful ownership. It's the same with adult toys like cars, I'm not in the market for an e-type but an original imp would butter my biscuit nicely thanks.

  2. I know from experience that dust still manages to settle, even when under cover, so that particular collector needs to re-evaluate, I'd say, DSE. At least Yogi and other items will bear (npi) the mark of my ownership long after I'm gone, which is a nice notion.

  3. Incidentally, I mentioned your friction drive santa the other day and although there was no news on that item, I did hear of something similar in tin going at auction. Something like thirty grand was the winning bid, crikey, prices must be up.

  4. 30 grand? I'd better slice opem another mattress.


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