Friday 16 August 2013


I was up in the attic earlier today and, in a corner under a sheet, was this portrait of me painted many moons ago.  Trouble is, when it was first done it looked like the photograph of me at the top right-hand side of the page.  That's it - I'm going on a strict diet of self-discipline.  From now on, I'm restricting myself to a mere 100 sins a day.  That should slow down the decay a tad. 
Still - handsome buggah, eh?


  1. Kid, what have you been up to? M.P.

  2. Wine, women and song - without the wine or the song.

  3. Usually when a man invokes Oscar Wilde (or Shakespeare) there is trouble brewing. And I gotta confess Kid,(because we've spoken before) I'm not sure whether you're a Scotsman, English, Welsh or God forbid, Irish, but you're definitely from the U.K. so we Americans (and I speak for all 300 million of us) expect you to be a little bit diabolical and prone to trouble. You don't just show a picture of Dorian Grey and leave it sit. So...what's up?

  4. No trouble - I just thought it was a nice picture and contrived a comment to go with it. Trouble will probably be along at some stage 'though. It seems to follow me around.

  5. I've done all I can here, people. Now it's a matter for the State Department, and they say the drones are in the air. M.P.

  6. (I know that's not by Oscar Wilde.)

  7. Hey, I just saw that picture the other day - you must read the classicmoviemonsters blog site too!

  8. I often take a look, but I've got quite a few of the pictures he features already. Can't recall if I saw this one 'though. Perhaps I did and it subliminally influenced me. It's a great site.


    I don't believe it! I took a look and you're right. I even left a comment on it. How could I forget? I'm afraid the old brain is deteriorating.


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