Monday 22 July 2013


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As promised a few posts back, here's the CAPTAIN SCARLET adventure drawn by RON TURNER from the Annual for 1968.  Any comments by me are pretty redundant, as you can see for yourselves what a fantastic artist he is.  I'm unsure whether he ever drew SUPERCAR anywhere, but he did illustrate most of the other GERRY ANDERSON characters and vehicles.  FIREBALL, STINGRAY, THUNDERBIRDS, CAPTAIN SCARLET and JOE 90 as well.  And just think - once you've enjoyed this tale, there'll be another one along in just a few posts time.  You lucky readers you! 


  1. It's the annual colourist again, he's kinda growing on me cos the first two pages here look pretty good, except for that aberration on pg2, pn5. The way he treats the MSV works well too. I had a gander at Conflict on Mars again and there is quite a bit detail in the colouring it's just that most of it still jars and it's not helped by the reproduction of the blacks, they're either overprinted with blue or it's a 3 color jobbie. It's interesting to note that when a lot of US comics moved on to better paper they had a similar jaring effect with colour except it's less noticeable because of the US tradition of concentrating on local colour.

  2. I've always thought it a shame that the TV21 Annuals and their associated spin-offs couldn't have been more like the comic, DSE. Having said that, however, they had a certain charm of their own.

  3. BTW kid would you mind if I recycled one of the panels from your post on Conflict...?

  4. Fire away - no need to mention it.


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