Tuesday 4 June 2013


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Above is the cover illo from the FIREBALL XL5 Annual for 1966, illustrated by mighty MIKE NOBLE.  This was the last of four COLLINS Annuals based on GERRY ANDERSON's space-themed puppet programme, which first aired back in October 1962.

From that Annual comes the following adventure, entitled The DRIFTING COFFIN, drawn by rollickin' RON TURNER, who was responsible for the art chores on quite a few Anderson strips over the years.  It's easy to see why - he's pretty durn good!

So sit up straight, ensure there's some ice in your glass - and thank B. SMITH for 'requesting' this titanic tale of the fabulous Fireball XL5 and her cataclysmic cosmic crew.


  1. More of Mr Turner! You sure know how to give the punters a taste for something then keep it coming. (If you know what I mean)The clean linework and precise drawing puts me in mind of some of the classic SF illustrators of the Gold Age, especially the late Ed Cartier. Thanks for sharing.

  2. No bother at all, Phil. Whose style do you prefer between Mike Noble and Ron Turner?

  3. Fantastic example, Turner is an illustrator with his own edge, I think his combination of line and lighting is unique. Just look at the 'and so...' panel, with the crew at controls of xl5 The impression of light is intense but it retains that strong linear quality.

  4. My only reservation, DSE, is the face on Venus on page 2. It somehow looks not particularly feminine - drag-queenish in fact. Apart from that, it's Turner at his best as far as B&W art goes.

  5. That's interesting, venus's face there is one of favourite bits of that panel, I admit it is kinda steely, I quite like that though.

  6. Nah! Even the puppet is better looking. To each his own however.

  7. Did venus's puppet ever stop smiling? I recall an episode where zoony eats all the oxygen pills and they're all gonna suffocate and she's still beaming when she breaks the news.

  8. She couldn't help smiling - she knew all about Robert the Robot's 'special attachment'.

  9. Just look at that Lutran ship - is it not a thing of beauty? And it was a throwaway design for single use in an annual! That Turner fellow could draw alright...

  10. He sure could. It was good to see him get the chance to draw the cover for Marvel U.K.'s Dalek Chronicles (TV21 reprints) and the 6-part Daleks adventure for DWM back in the '90s.


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