Sunday 23 June 2013



Looking back 40 years after the fact, it's difficult to know for sure what MARVEL were thinking of when they increased The INCREDIBLE HULK content in MWOM to two stories per issue.  Surely the growling green behemoth wasn't that popular?  I'd have much preferred them to retain DAREDEVIL (or introduce yet another character) rather than have an extra Hulk tale at the expense of a trio of different strips per issue.

Companion paper SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY contained only two main characters in each issue (Spidey and THOR) at the time, so perhaps the decision was prompted by the desire to replicate that pattern, knowing it wouldn't be too long before the 11 page Hulk stories would give way to full-length, 20 page adventures. Who can know for sure?  However, it needn't concern us now, as we're only here to look at the pulsating piccies anyway.

So, without further ado, here they are!  Enjoy! 

In case you're wondering, the above issue contained no pin-ups or puzzle pages


  1. It still amazes me that after forty years I can look at a copy of MWOM and say " Never got that one that week".

    I did buy the most recent issue on Saturday. The UK Marvel titles are proving very popular and highly prized by my new S5 boys. In my day, of course, S5 boys wouldn't have been seen dead reading "American comics" in a classroom.

  2. Ah, times have changed indeed, Dougie. Superheroes are in - as testified to by the success of most of the recent spate of movies based on comicbooks.

  3. Nice stuff, Kid. It looks like Rich Buckler pencilled all the covers with inks by Esposito. The Hulk puzzle is likely Starlin, and possibly Mr. Fantaastic pin-up as well. Keep 'em coming!

  4. Thanks for the info, Nick. I'd agree with you on the Hulk and Mr Fantastic pages. Glad you liked the post.


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