Friday 14 June 2013


I've shown this photo before, but I'm sure there are quite a few of you who haven't bothered trawling through the archives to look at previous posts and therefore haven't seen it.  So, just for you, here's the moment when your humble host met (for the second time) legendary comedian and Hollywood movie star, Mr. BOB HOPE.

I told him I hoped his 'waiter' gig was secure 'til his career picked up again and then asked for a fish tea for table #7.  A chuckle aside, there was no funny one-line response, but none of his writers were on hand to supply him with one.

Incidentally, 'Baarb' (as his companions pronounced his name) had a framed cartoon of mine in his collection for the last 19 years of his life.  I wonder where it is now?  I'll post a copy of it one day when I remember where I stashed it.

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