Saturday 29 June 2013


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

Out now - this super new book reprinting various HULK tales created specifically by and for we Brits.  If you're a Yank, you may be interested in seeing how a bunch of Limeys handled one of your best-loved superheroes, so get yourselves along to your local comics shop and pick up a copy now!  You'll be glad you did.  (Brits will enjoy it too, of course.)


  1. Marvel U.K. Vaults?? You guys got vaults?? Even the comic book publishing companies get vaults over there. We have basements.
    What is it with you guys, ya always gotta be just a little more cooler and sophisticated. I suppose this vault is located under 12 Downing Street guarded by Buckingham Palace guards or S.A.S. troopers. I even bet there's a guy named Q in there with a hotline to Buckingham Palace...
    Seriously, Kid, keep posting this stuff. It is pretty interesting to see comic culture in the U.K. Take it easy. M.P.

  2. H'mm, I see there's been a breach in security. There's no way you could know all that stuff unless we had a leak. I'd better get Bond on the case. Calling 007...


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