Thursday 20 June 2013


Behold - the first ever DALEKS story from the pages of TV CENTURY
21, as illustrated by RICHARD JENNINGS.  What more need be said?


  1. And these are exactly the 3 I missed, as I started on issue 4! I'm still trying to find a "Daleks Chronicles" on EBay OR preferably waiting for that deluxe edition you proposed on an earlier posting! ( Who do we need to put pressure on? ) JP

  2. Have you managed to get yourself a copy of the recent Daleks special, which reprints the first 3 pages direct from the artwork yet?

    I suppose that, as Panini currently publish DWM and seem to have permission to reprint the Daleks strips, that they'd be the ones to pester for a new, deluxe edition.

    (I believe that Express Newspapers co-own the rights to the TV21 Daleks strips, along with the BBC and Terry Nation's estate.)

    Incidentally, there's currently a copy of The Dalek Chronicles available to buy on eBay, but it's £39.99. (Plus £3.99 p&p.) However, if you don't want to pay that kind of money, the complete issue is available for free on Flickr.

    1. My copy of 50 years of the Daleks is in the post, should arrive any day now. Had to order one as the shops had moved on to the next special ( the missing episodes ). Yeah, that one on EBay is a bit rich for my pocket. I have already downloaded the Flickr pix, but there's nowt like paper, is there?

  3. No argument there - paper is best. That's why, if it were still available as a comic, I might yet have bought The Dandy from time to time, but I'm not even the slightest bit interested in the digital version.

  4. 5 or 6 years ago when I was going through my second childhood I would download the jpegs of comics that I wanted, but were not available to buy and printed all the pages out. I worked for a printers so I could print out a glossy cover, staple all the pages and so the final product looked pretty good.
    Since I got an ipad 2 years ago I am quite happy viewing the online versions.

  5. My second childhood is still ahead of me - I haven't grown out of my first one yet.

    I suppose ipads and such are handy, but I prefer tangible printed matter, where possible.

  6. John, the missing episodes issue came out before the Dalek special.

  7. Hi Kid. just thought I'd add my two cents worth to the paper v digital comments. I'm wondering if it's people of a certain age that have a fondness for the printed page, that being the only medium available back in the day, or if it's a mistrust of the longevity of electronic files. I still have books and comics from the 60s and 70s that have not disintegrated or fallen apart and don't require the current platform to play / read them on. That said I pretty much have every issue of Marvel and DCs Silver and Bronze age output in digital format but can't resist the temptation to pick them up as collected editions (Masterworks, Chronicles, Omnibus, etc). There's just something about having that book on the shelf to take down and open up to see images on the printed page! With access to the same resources as Anonymous I have also printed out some digital files to create real-world versions. Ironic that we are having this discussion over files posted on your blog in digital format?

  8. Hey kid,
    did Dick Jennings illustrate all the Daleks episodes? I saw some strips where the Daleks wanted to start a war with the Mechanoids, I really liked the pastel coloured retro pulp-like art.
    Also, was this TV Century 21 a large format comic?


  9. Phil, I once pointed out that very irony on a post about my preference for printed comics over digital presentations. It occurs to me that the benefit of paper is that it can accomodate any size and the complete page can be seen at the same time, whereas with digital, one can only read portions at a time because of screen size. (Unless you have a 40 inch screen - but then you can't take it into the toilet with you.)


    Jake, Eric Eden and Ron Turner also drew TV21 Daleks episodes, Turner being responsible for almost half the run. Yes, TV21 was a tabloid-sized comic.

  10. Kid, - O.K. then, I weakened and DID buy the Daleks Chronicles on EBay - when I saw the price of the one underneath!! ( did you? ) I figured I might never get that chance again, but whatever you do DON'T TELL THE MISSIS! - She doesn't understand the cravings of a comiholic! You just mentioned the size of TVC21 and I always assumed that the Dutch version TV2000 was also tabloid - sized, but I've only been able to track down one copy and it's actually American comic book sized!
    Skarophonic, I stand corrected , obviously what must have happened is the one and only shop in town to stock the specials must have sold out of all the Daleks ones before the missing episodes ( or forgot to remove them ) .I didn't buy it as I was more interested in the current DEN issue ( if there are Daleks on the cover this gets priority! ) JP

  11. Better hope the missus doesn't keep track of your online activities, JP, or she'll be reading your admission for herself. I saw the Dalek Chronicles going for £100 or so, but will anyone ever actually pay that? I've got a 1988 reprint of Superman's 1st appearance in Action comics, and I've seen it going on eBay from about $20 (or less) all the way up to $295. Madness.

  12. I have the perfect method of deterring her - I say, " Do you want to see my blog page and I'll tell you who all the bloggers are." It works every time!!
    With regard to the paper/digital debate, I am a bit of a fence-sitter. I will welcome with open arms digital when it comes to replacing old comics that I couldn't otherwise replace, but I have never once been tempted to download one of the free DC/Marvel new comics that are often on offer.Ideally I would love to replace every comic with the paper original, as nothing has the " Tardis effect" except the original comic, but I am grateful for the opportunity to get the next - best thing, as faced with the choice of digital or "no comic"I am happy to compromise. So Kid, PhilSee - I'm with you both!

  13. P.S. that Dalek Chronicles I saw was over 170 quid!!

  14. Actually, if it was a choice of not having the comic at all or a having digital version, I'd make do with digital until I could get my hands on an actual physical copy of it - so I'm the same as you in that regard. That only applies to old comics 'though (same as you) - when it comes to new ones in the digital format, I don't even bother.

    I had a look on eBay. There was a recent ad for a Dalek Chronicles going for £70, but it had ended with no bids. I bought three of them when they first came out (or was it four?), but I couldn't part with any of them.


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