Monday 20 May 2013


Here's a question for you:  If, on a visit home to your parents one day, they opened a cupboard and showed you every toy and comic you'd ever owned as a child right up to your teenage years, and said:  "We thought we'd keep them to remind us of when you were young - and just in case you should ever want them!", what would your response be?

Would you be delighted at being reunited with all your childhood treasures; would you pick out one or two items and tell them to give the rest to the local charity shop - or would you grab everything and sell it all on eBay?  And, if the latter, would you split the profits with your parents or keep all the dosh for yourself?

Spill all in the comments section - honest injun now, no porkies.


If you're parents are no longer around, just imagine you found a letter from them, revealing where all your goodies from childhood were safely stored.  Obviously splitting the cash wouldn't apply in that scenario, but what would matter most to you - the financial or the nostalgic aspect of your wondrous windfall?


  1. if were they were still alive and they'd done this it would be a gift beyond all material worth. I'd probably hang on to a few items for a while, the 007 Toyota, Spiderman 121, Louise Marx Gorilla but I wouldn't keep them permanently. I'd wanna pass them on for someone new to appreciate. As for sharing the cash? I'm afraid circumstance has made that decision for me.

  2. Interesting idea 'though, eh? Thanks for commenting, DSE.

  3. I'd be keeping the lot, and filled with gratitude....quite predictable, really.

    B Smith

  4. I fell sure my grown-up eyes would see them with affection and maybe one or two bits would be kept, but otherwise they would make their merry way to wherever stuff goes now, i.e. eBay, charity shop, friends, colleagues on the Net etc. BUT it wouldn't have happened. My Mum loved throwing out anything that annoyed her :-( Love her all the same! Great question Kid

  5. I'd find it impossible to give anything away, because seeing it all again would doubtless reawaken memories I hadn't thought of in years. To part with any of it would be like discarding the associated memory.

  6. Definitely keep them all and convert my spare room into a nostalgia room.

  7. Your very own Museum of Childhood, eh? Sounds good to me.

  8. I've still got MOST of my stuff, and living on my own means I have a nostalgia FLAT, not just a room (which is nice).

    The only things that were thrown out and I'd be thrilled to find in a hypothetical box would be the full collection of Fiendish Feet yoghurt pots that I had (especially now that they tend to go for around £20 each on eBay!).

  9. Pots of dosh in other words, eh?


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