Sunday 5 May 2013


Images copyright relevant owner

Here we are at last - with the wrap-up to TV CENTURY 21's very first FIREBALL XL5 adventure, as illustrated by GRAHAM COTON for one last time before MIKE NOBLE took up the reins in the very next issue (#6).  Some of Graham's art does seem a little rushed in places, but this is no doubt due to juggling various deadlines on different assignments, rather than a lack of talent on his part.  However, mighty Mike Noble was born to illustrate the Fireball strip, and his dramatic drawings surely enriched many a childhood back in the dynamic days of the swingin' '60s.

But groovy Graham Coton paved the way for him in the first five fabulous issues of the Universe's greatest comic of the future.  (And remember - the first issue is due out in only 52 years.)  So let's hear it for Graham - his rightful place in TV21's history is assured.

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