Friday 17 May 2013


Images copyright DC COMICS

I recall buying this comic when it came out in the '70s (the one above is a replacement from some years ago), and though I wasn't particularly a BOY COMMANDOS fan, I appreciated the opportunity of adding a few more older stories to my collection.  I wonder how KIRBY felt about it, as - having left MARVEL to avoid playing second fiddle to STAN LEE - here he was (once again) with second billing to JOE SIMON.

It was only fair, I suppose, as S&K's other reprints had appeared under the banner  of 'A Kirby Classic' in the back of Jack's 25 cent mags, with no mention of Simon apart from his original credit in the tales themselves.

What I like about this cover is that it's a reprint of the cover used on the 'first' first issue of BC back in the '40s (though the background colour was red, if I remember correctly).  What I can't recall (and I'm too lazy to check) is whether the newer comic contained any of the original tales from the earlier one.  Anyone know?

Anyway, here's a nice pic of some Simon & Kirby art to help you get through the day.


Oh, lookee here - found a pic of the original one.


  1. According to Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics (which, for some reason, I usually find more user-friendly than the GCD), Boy Commandos #1 (1973) reprinted "Heroes Never Die" from the original Boy Commandos #1 (1942), and "The Sphinx Speaks" (sounds like a Carl Barks Donald Duck story) from Detective Comics #66. -TC

  2. Thanks, TC. I should've made a mental note of the contents when I scanned the cover, but once it was tucked away, I couldn't be bothered digging it out again.


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