Monday 20 May 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, here we go with yet another whistle-stop-tour through a couple of issues of FOOM - this time #s 15 & 16, the latter of which features an interview with Mirthful MARIE SEVERIN, sister of JOHN and power-packed penciller, inker, and colourist in her own right.

As you can see, there's not a lot of images from #15, but, truth to tell, some later issues of MARVEL's Magazine for fans don't really have too much that's worth posting (in my opinion), so it's going to be a bit of a mixed bag, contents-wise, in future instalments of this series.

However, as there are only 6 issues to go before you've seen all 22 mags anyway, I'm sure we'll find something of interest to make up a post or three.  Keep watching or you might miss something!


  1. Love those floorplan pictures, any idea who they're by? Looks like something I've seen in MAD Magazine at some point...

  2. Looks like Marie Severin's artwork to me, THB.

  3. And a quick bit of research tells me it was her BROTHER who worked on MAD, although she did do stuff for EC.

    Talented siblings there!

  4. John indeed did work for Mad, but later he became more associated with Cracked, Mad's most successful rival.

  5. In hindsight, I probably should have maintained my subscription to Foom magazine, because this is all very interesting to me. And considering Severin's description of the in-house staff--"Stan, Sol, Flo Steinberg and me [were on staff in 1965]. Kirby and all the rest of the growing bullpen worked free lance, as most of them still do now. Nobody was really here nine-to-five, except Stan, Sol, Flo, and myself."--her depiction of a busy and crowded "Bullpen" is certainly indicative of the faux impression of it that Stan wished to cultivate.

  6. Kid, you've done it again! Good stuff, but seeing Howard on the campaign trail again, as an American I think we made a mistake not electing that duck president, even if he is fictional.

  7. Glad you're enjoying this little series, CF. Yeah, there was a day-to-day Bullpen - it just consisted of a different group of players than the one Stan created.


    Anon, I'd vote for Howard if he ever stood for Prime Minister. I'd rather have the Duck up than the 'f*ck-up' we've got now.


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