Saturday 11 May 2013


Copyright relevant owner

Hot from the pages of FANTASTIC Annual 1969 (released in '68) comes the only full-colour JOHNNY FUTURE adventure ever published. Johnny did have a colour pin-up on the back page of Fantastic #30, but that's the only other time he was presented in non-black and white glory.  (Strangely, his costume was coloured differently in both instances.)

So thank your lucky stars - you're now about to enjoy a complete 14-page adventure of the British MAN OF TOMORROW, as drawn by the astoundingly awesome LUIS BERMEJO!  What more could any true POWER PACK fan ask for?

BONUS:  The back page pin-up from Fantastic #30.


  1. Just how do you top that ?!

  2. Now you're asking! Dunno.

  3. JeffSee

    There seems to be 2 pages missing between your pages 6 & 7. I have a version comprising 14 pages for this story.

  4. Brilliant stuff!!!

  5. Must've been that Disastro up to his old tricks again. Thet full 14 pages are now up. Ta.

  6. Great to see full colour Johnny - too bad there was no set standard for the colours of his costume! - maybe he had a wardrobe with various versions. Not sure about the red and green combo though. Also, I wondered why he bothered with the whole secret identity deal when his face is fully uncovered in the costume anyway. Just a thought. Thanks for sharing these.

  7. He doesn't wear trunks, either - that's just the creases in his longjohns. One day I'll have to try out a colour scheme for him - blue, maybe.

  8. Are there any more Johnny Future stories still to come, or does this complete the run?
    Do you think that you lose any detail in the artwork when colour is added? Great to see these stories coming to light again [Fantastic].

  9. Still approximately another 19 episodes to go, Phil. I don't think, in this instance, that the addition of colour obscured any detail. However, in the B&W weekly episodes of JF, the lines were sometimes touched up by office staff as Bermejo used a very fine brush or pen line that otherwise didn't always reproduce too well. (It's usually pretty apparent where that's been done 'though.)

  10. Was the Missing Link /Johnny Future character created by Luis Bermejo, or just illustrated by him? Also, regarding the colour story, who decided what colours would be used? Enjoying your Blog immensely, Thanks.

  11. I believe that the pin-up was drawn by a then young, Barry [Windsor] Smith, who later went on to draw Conan the Barbarian for Marvel.

  12. I'm not sure who created JF, Jeff, but I believe Alf Wallace is usually credited as the first writer (so it may have been him), and I think either Steve Moore or Steve Parkhouse (can't quite remember which one) took over at some stage. As for the colours, I'm not sure - the Marvel heroes sometimes had weird colour schemes in the annuals, so it may have been left to whoever was colouring each individual story.

    As for the pin-up, it's usually attributed to BWS, but I suspect it's merely an enlargement or a tracing (perhaps by Smith) of an interior panel from (if I remember correctly) Fantastic #15.


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