Saturday 13 April 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

As we emerge from our very own Time-travelling cosmic craft, we are met by yet more magnificent MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL cover images and pin-ups from 40 years ago.  By this time, the comic had only four full-colour pages, and that would be reduced to a mere two (front and back cover) before very long.  The early issues of MWOM had something special about them which later ones sorely lacked, but I persevered with the comic for the duration of its run - and what a run it was!

If you were there back in the heady, halcyon and hallowed days of Marvel at its best, then you're sure to appreciate seeing these pages again and reliving your long-vanished youth.  If not, don't fret, as the pictorial treasures presented upon this post are just as capable of transfixing the 'newbies' amongst us as those who are renewing the acquaintance.

So - let's enjoy them together, shall we?


  1. Darned if I could pick out the "real" Reed Richards--unless it's the one without the double bordering around his "4" chest emblem, or the one without the neck collar sewn in, or the one without the waist band. One of them even looks like he has a moustache. Maybe seven of them are Skrulls? :)

  2. Now I'm going to have to study them for myself. (Or read the 'official' answer on that issue's back cover pin-up page of the Thing. H'mm, decisions, decisions.)

  3. I notice that Stan "Sounds Off" in these and doesn't have a Soapbox. Is the "Soapbox" as the classic homespun podium for unfettered speech not sufficiently British to work?

    Also those mini-posters crack me up. What a clever to way to promote spot art. What next...Marvel Stamps?!

    Rip Off

  4. Rip, I suppose it's because those British columns were usually more promotional than philosophical. If I remember correctly, the 'soapbox' eventually did appear.

  5. I had forgotten about those "mini posters" some nice art in them as well, I wonder how many copies of those issues are in charity shops with the posters cut out (used to pick up some old US Marvels thinking I got a good deal on the price only to find the Marvel value stamp cut out and ) I think the real Mr Fantastic is number 7( or 2) its down to the size of MR Fantastic's boots (the others either have no grey hair, no shorts, collars outlines number 4 etc) I really need to get a life! - good posts enjoying them keep em up (still waiting for part 2 of Reid's Frankie Stein hint hint lol McScotty

  6. Won't be long now, McScotty. Remember, good things are worth waiting for. Glad you're enjoying the Marvel stuff.


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