Friday 19 April 2013


It's time once again to turn back the clock to the 1960s, when
comics still topped the list of what any self respecting boy would spend
his pocketmoney on in those pre-decimal days of 'free love' and black and
white TV. In fact, here's an interesting experiment for all those who lived
through the '60s and are approximately the same age as me. Cast your mind
back to watching BATMAN as a kid and I betcha you think you saw it in
colour. Am I right? My parents didn't get a colour telly until the early or
mid-'70s, yet so familiar am I with those colour episodes from later
repeats, that when I think back to 1966, my memories of watching
the programme seem to be in vivid TECHNICOLOUR!
Talking of Batman (which we were), has anyone else noticed how
similar JOHNNY FUTURE's costume and cape are to those of the
DAYLIGHT (as he was on telly) DETECTIVE ? It's almost as if artist
LUIS BERMEJO was using ADAM WEST's outfit as a template for
JOHN FOSTER's own little superhero number.
Anyway, that's more than enough obligatory preamble from me.
Time to turn you loose on the pretty pictures. Go to it, Tiger!
("Tiger" ? I can't believe I just typed that.)


  1. Thanks again for sharing another well-rendered installment of JF. And speaking of Johnny's costume; what's the deal the fork shaped emblem that seems to come and go from panel to panel?

  2. It was never part of the original art as far as I can tell, Phil, but added by another hand in the Odhams office. Not only does it appear and disappear with alarming regularity, it's also rendered inconsistently (shape-wise) whenever it does show up. Eventually they stopped bothering to add it at all - perhaps Luis Bermejo complained.

  3. Have you noticed that senor Bermejo renders every brick in every wall? He threw a couple of walls for free in the last episode and Johnie's pad even has bare bricks too.

  4. Maybe he was a big fan of Pink Floyd.


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