Sunday 28 April 2013



"Patience is a virtue" and "All things come to he who waits" are two old sayings which, with this very post, I have demonstrated to be true beyond any reasonable smidgen of doubt.  After all, weren't you all waiting for the next episode of JOHNNY FUTURE's epic battle against the forces of evil, in his ongoing quest for truth, justice and the British way of life?  Of course you were!  Why wouldn't you be?

So here it is.  Drawn by the amazing LUIS BERMEJO and culled from the weekly '60s POWER PACK paper periodical, FANTASTIC, it's an absolute belter!  I won't hold you back from it any longer - get stuck right in! 


  1. Worth the wait! But it could seem like a while, but probably won't be, until the next installment to see how Johnny gets out of this one. Interesting that the page count varies from issue to issue, do we know why that was so? Thanks as always for sharing.

  2. And thanks for commenting, Phil. The page count is a strange one, because I wouldn't have thought the editors knew so far in advance precisely how many JF pages they required for any given issue in order to work them around the Marvel reprints. However, either I'm completely wrong and they really were incredibly organised, or they simply resized some episodes into shorter instalments. Some pages do appear to have paste-ups and patches on them if you look really closely. ('Though it might not be so evident on these posts as I clean the pages up a little to remove blemishes, etc.)


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