Wednesday 17 April 2013


Every time I click on the FANTASY INK site, my computer freezes and I get a message saying 'Blogspot not responding'.  Any ideas as to how I can resolve the matter?  This is the only site this happens with, so is the problem at my end or the other?  Great site, but I can't see it.  And does anyone else have the same difficulty with access?


  1. Hey, Kid --

    I just tried it. The browser just spins. I didn't even get to the message you mentioned (although I may not be as patient as you).


  2. Hi Doug, thanks for trying. The problem must be at his end then. Could it harm my computer do you think, if I keep trying to access it?

  3. Just tried it, no problems loading it just the usual momentary jump in processor usage you get when a blogspot page loads. Downloaded a nice picture of Heather Locklear in a Bikini too.

  4. Yeah, it was that picture in my blog list which attracted my attention. I'll try again later, but it's been a problem for months now.

  5. There's been some recent updates to browsers, mostly regarding security and script handling. If you're not up to date with your browser that's a good candidate for the problem.

    I'm not sure what the current status is regarding the Java security problem that surfaced recently, that -could- be it I suppose if you've not disabled it but I didn't spot any Java.

    The only problem I qet is with Flash, which was written deliberately to trash your processor, heatsink/fan and power supply it seems.

    Anyway I hope you get it sorted soon, I'm sure someone here will have a better handle on it.

  6. I've just tried it with two different browsers. I'm having no problems getting it to load with Chrome but it won't load with Internet Explorer.

    Which browser are you using? If it's Internet Explorer, try using another one like Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

    If you're already using one of those, clearing your browser history might help get it to work.

  7. No problem accessing the blog.

  8. Thanks, everybody. I've downloaded Google Chrome and that's sorted it, but I'm at a loss to understand why one blog out of so many couldn't be accessed properly via Internet Explorer. Thanks again for responding.

  9. Nice, I got a "502 error" from Google the first time I tried to post this comment. I'm having a heck of a time posting this comment, if it shows up 3 times that's why.

    That's my blog, I have no problem accessing it, sorry your having trouble Kid, I totally don't get how that could be happening, but I'm flattered you cared enough to post about it! I just got in using IE 6 (yeah, I'm at work) and use Firefox at home and have no problems. Have a great day everybody.

  10. Thanks, Tom. It's a mystery to me as well. Hopefully it'll sort itself out some day. In the meantime, I can use Google Chrome.

  11. I'm no expert but loading problems can be caused by overly-demanding gadgets and widgets. The only things I can see on the Fantasy Ink site that are non-standard for Blogger are an Amazon gadget and a stat counter. It might be one of those that's not compatible with certain versions of Internet Explorer.

  12. Thanks, Steve. I note that one or two of the sites on my blog list do not update with each post, but show ones from months or years ago. Any ideas about that.

  13. I'm afraid I don't have a clue what would cause that. Possibly something to do with cookies?

  14. I removed the Amazon widget, my state doesn't let me get any money from that anyways, see if that makes a difference Kid.

  15. That seems to have made the difference, Tom. It's working fine now.

    Anyone got any clue as to why the 'Continued on 2nd Page Following' blog isn't updating? I know it's posting quite regularly because I clicked on it through another blog, but on mine, the last post was from over a year ago.

    When I access it through my blog, I can look at all the previous posts from over 12 months ago, but there are no recent ones showing. It's like it's stuck in a time warp.


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