Thursday 21 March 2013


Due to an increased amount of inane anonymous comments, I will no longer be publishing anonymous remarks unless they have a name affixed to them.  That's to say, you can still use the anonymous function, but please also use some kind of name, even if only a pseudonym, so that I can separate the wheat from the chaff.  Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.


Update: Due to the number of abusive and insulting comments, the anonymous option has now, unfortunately, been removed.

Further update: I've now restored it again - for the foreseeable future at least. 


  1. I know plenty of bloggers who simply get tired of it all soon enough. I hope it doesn't take it out of you.

  2. No danger, Chris. What these losers forget is that I always get the last word. My previous post received some ridiculously obtuse comments from someone who was too-hard-of-thinking to be real, so he must have been at it. If he was genuine, then he simply doesn't have a clue about anything and shouldn't be allowed out on his own (and probably isn't).

  3. Does this mean you'll also stop posting anonymous comments on the blogs of others?

  4. No, it doesn't mean that. Mainly because I don't post anonymous comments on the blogs of others. Can't stop what you haven't started, now can you?

    You've now had at least a couple of attempts under different names, trying to peddle your nonsense. It's a shame you have nothing better to do with your sad little life.

    Time to put your inflatable sheep to one side and find a girlfriend perhaps?

  5. Sorry to her you're having troll trouble, glad to hear you're still allowing anonymous comments (there's something in me that just refuses to do the whole "get an account' thing - I know that "they" have got all my details a zillion times over anyway, but still....

    B Smith

  6. Best, Kid. We've had our times on the BAB with what I call drive-by commenters. I think you are wholly within the bounds of fair expectations of cordiality and accountability. Too bad everyone doesn't play nice and seek to build community.


  7. As most regular readers will know, B & Doug, I have no problem with printing anonymous comments, even ones that disagree with me. However, when they are just expressions of stupidity (or someone being a smart@ss with an personal agenda to pursue - like 'Grafter') then I draw the line. Life's too short. Thanks for your comments.


ALL ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED UNREAD unless accompanied by a regularly-used and recognized
name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
phraseology may cause offence or upset to other commenters.