Sunday 10 March 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Safely strapped in?  Good!  And now, Kid's Kosmic Time-Kube (similar to the TARDIS) will transport you Merry MARVEL Madmen back to 1973 to take another look at SPIDER-MAN COMICS WEEKLY's back-catalogue of covers, pages and pin-ups from the halcyon and heady days of your youth.  (And mine, too.)

This trip, we're re-experiencing #s 15, 16, 1718 of Spidey's British weekly comic, which also featured the awesome adventures of Asgardian thunder god, THOR The MIGHTY!  It'd be a few more months before The INVINCIBLE IRON MAN joined the line-up, but his escapades were well-worth waiting for.

STEVE DITKO's web-crawling, wondrous Spider-Man tales were still the main attraction, and DON HECK's hammer-throwing, long-haired Son of ODIN stories were the support act, but I'm sure most readers enjoyed one hero's dynamic dramas every bit as much as the other's.  How could they fail to?  Both features were scripted by the mighty STAN LEE, who knew how to spin a good yarn (pun intended) and always delivered the goods.

So sit back and indulge yourselves in fond recollections of yesteryear. The pandemonius present will be along to reclaim you soon enough, you can be certain of that.


  1. Kid, the Hulk in pink pants! Please!
    What next, the Ting in diamonte hot pants?

  2. He must've been breaking them in for She-Hulk. (Even 'though she hadn't yet been created back then.)

  3. Kid, that sounds like a new super hero character waiting to happen. Super Break Your Pants In Man! No fear of the Fashion Police feeling your designer collar for wearing ill fitting pants in public again!


  4. Too late! I've patented the idea. I'm gonna be rich!


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