Sunday 10 March 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Well, we're getting there.  There are now only nine issues to go before we complete our whistle-stop tour through all twenty-two FOOM mags from back in the sensational '70s.  This time 'round, we're looking at #s 12 & 13, featuring the android VISION and the fearless, sightless DAREDEVIL, respectively.

I have to confess that I find it almost painful to look at the IKARIS drawing by JACK KIRBY, which is stiff and blocky, and lacking the grace and fluidity that Jack's art once conveyed so effortlessly.  The 'KING' was definitely in decline, and it was a painful process to observe.

By contrast, look at the fabulous and nigh photo-realistic artwork by GENE COLAN, which is at another level entirely.  I'm unsure if the cover was drawn especially for FOOM or borrowed from an earlier source, but it certainly packs a punch.  Interestingly, the main DD figure looks very Kirby-esque, and I wonder whether the 'DEAN' borrowed the pose from one of Jack's CAPTAIN AMERICA figures.

Anyway, enjoy these powerful pages from Mighty Marvel's magnificent magazine for frantic fans - and don't forget there's yet more to come!

A ' never before page seen...'?  That'll be a 'never before seen page', natch


  1. I think this might spark a controversy but I'm gonna suggest that the Ikaris pin up is a cheat. I say that because it looks to me as though it's The Eternals index box figure. I think there's a chance that it was reworked by a bod somehow, if that's the case, the Kirby signature is an exercise in equivocation, seeing as it is actually derived from his pencils.

  2. It's so typically Kirby 'though, that I think it's unlikely not to be genuine. I think it's simply the drawing from which the corner box was derived.

  3. These mags are so redolent of my early my teenage years: 12/13 tears old. I remember them so vividly. The Englehart Vision article seemed so daring and adult; all the discussion about the Vision's, er, marital duties...


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