Wednesday 6 February 2013



Many of you will have read and enjoyed The MISSING LINK strips from the pages of the late, lamented FANTASTIC which I published in a number of posts last year.  With its sixteenth issue, the series took a different direction and the Link, who originally was little more than an INCREDIBLE HULK knock-off, became a bona-fide superhero called JOHNNY FUTURE!

Here then is the first episode wherein JOHN FOSTER reveals his caped crime-fighting alter ego to the world at large for the very first time.  Want to see what happens next?  Then be sure to leave your 'thumbs-up' in the captivating comments section.

(Incidentally, the symbol on Johnny's costume appears to have been added later by someone in the ODHAMS offices.  Going by how inconsistently it's rendered from panel-to-panel and episode-to-episode, it's highly unlikely to be the handiwork of artist LUIS BERMEJO.  In fact, it was missed out in the last panel.) 


  1. Nice artwork, I particularly like the moggie, really expressive pose.

  2. He can certainly draw, that's for sure.

  3. great to see more of this classic!!!

    martin baines

  4. Thanks, Martin. Any more votes?

  5. Fantastic drawing! A pleasure to peruse.


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