Thursday 17 January 2013


To all those collecting the excellent new EAGLEMOSS fortnightly BATMAN AUTOMOBILIA series, I obtained part two, featuring the 1966 TV BATMOBILE, yesterday afternoon from WHS.  At a special introductory price of £5.99 (regular price £9.99), it's a great addition to any collector's toy cabinet or bookshelf.

I was disappointed to discover that the wheels don't turn, even though they're attached to 'axles' inside the car.  (I bought two and took one apart to examine it. Don't worry, it's safely back together again, no worse for wear.)  I daresay if it matters to anyone, it could be altered to allow the wheels to move, but it's still a dynamically detailed little diecast despite its immobility.

Run, don't walk, to your nearest supplier and plonk your pounds into the palm of a purveyor of this cool collectable before it sells out.  You'll kick yourself up and down the street if you miss it.

To view a video of the Eaglemoss 1966 TV Batmobile, click here.  It's a belter.


  1. I was going to buy it till I learned the wheels don't go round. :(

  2. Don't let that put you off, Steve. After all, you're hardly going to be pushing it along the carpet going "vroom, vroom", so what difference does it make? It's designed for sitting in its own little display case and looking fantastic. (Which it does.)

  3. Well, I was planning on pushing it along my living room carpet while singing the Batman theme.

    It certainly does look a thing of beauty and I may therefore ignore its mobility issues and get it anyway.

  4. Good man. You know it makes sense. Da da da da da da da - Batman!

  5. Just got the first and second issues of this one today!

    Not sure about the whole "every issue" thing, but I'll definitely be buying issue 8 (Batman: The Animated Series).

    If I cover my kitchen floor in oil, it'll be the equivalent of turning the wheels around, probably.

  6. I'll be 'cherry-picking' as well, THB. It would cost around £800 for the full set and I just don't have space for them all. Plus some of them are less impressive and don't appeal to me, quite frankly.


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