Friday 4 January 2013


Here's the cover of a book I bought from GRANT'S bookshop just outside Glasgow's Central Station back in 1980.  You'll have to forgive the quality of this scan - there's quite a bit of dust under the clear plastic cover which protects the book from wear and tear and I ain't taking it off to wipe it.  (Just in case I inadvertently damage it.)  Painted by BOB LARKIN, it's reminiscent of JACK KIRBY's illustration to The INCREDIBLE HULK #1.  I thought I'd share it with you here for no other reason than that it's PDB (Pretty Darn Brilliant).  I'm sure you agree.  Enjoy.


  1. Today, I started re-reading Edgar Rice Burroughs Llana of Gathol. My first copy came from Grant's bookshop.No one I know seems to remember it was there!

  2. Amazing. I loved going into Grant's and browsing around. I've still got the books I purchased in there over the years.


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